Smart Redistricting

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As a cost-effective and time-saving solution, iRedistrict® can dramatically save the workload and improve the outcome quality of redistricting projects. iRedistrict® excels in its capability to leverage user inputs (such as communities of interests, existing boundaries, etc.) and powerful computer algorithms, which can generate high-quality redistricting plans that meet both mandatory requirements and user-specified preferences.

iRedistrict® has online edition and desktop edition.

Main Features

Cross-platform support for Windows, Mac and Linux
Easy to use, even for non-technical people
Powerful algorithms to optimize multiple objectives
Automatically generate redistricting plans while also allowing manual editing
Achieve population equality
Achieve geographical contiguity and compactness
Preserve user-specific COI (communities of interest)
Preserve Majority-Minority Zone
Minimize crossing of existing boundaries
Support the editing of the plans
Support locking of some districts and recalculate remaining district boundaries
Compare/evaluate multiple plans with ranking and visualization
Collaboratively create plans with a group of users or the public
Share, vote and comment on the plans with a group of users or the public
Produce customized report
Export redistricting plans to ESRI shapefiles and Block Equivalence File
Save project workspace and share with others

Application Areas

School Redistricting

  • Balance capacity
  • preserve existing boundaries
  • minimize boundary changes

Political Redistricting

  • Create majority-minority districts
  • Achieve population equality
  • Maximize competitiveness

Site Selection Evaluation

  • Identify impacts to the network
  • Compare statistics of candidates
  • What-if analysis

Police Patrol Beats

  • Balance service calls and workload
  • Increase police presence
  • Minimize response time

Traffic Analysis Zone

  • Nested within county boundaries
  • Balance population and area
  • Homogeneous land use

Territory Planning

  • Balance workloads
  • Minimize travel distances
  • Minimize number of staffs

Redistricting Without Site

Smart Redistricting

Smart Redistricting

Our flagship redistricting solution that combines powerful optimization algorithms with an intuitive interface. Create balanced districts automatically while considering multiple criteria such as population equality, geographical contiguity, and preservation of communities of interest.
Manual Redistricting

Manual Redistricting

Full-featured manual redistricting tool that provides complete control over district creation and modification. Includes real-time statistics, interactive editing tools, and comprehensive reporting capabilities.

Redistricting with Sites

Smart Redistricting for Site

Smart Redistricting for Site

Specialized version designed for site-based redistricting scenarios. Optimize district boundaries while considering site-specific constraints and requirements, perfect for school redistricting and facility planning.
Manual Redistricting for Site

Manual Redistricting for Site

Site-specific version of our manual redistricting tool, tailored for scenarios where precise control over site assignments and boundaries is needed. Ideal for school attendance zones and service area planning.

Community of Interest Collection

COI Collection

COI Collection

COI Collection is an online service for collecting COI (Community of Interest) data from multiple users simultaneously. It allows users to draw COI in real time, save records with descriptions and timestamps, and export data in Shapefile or Block Equivalence File formats. Users can create, save, and open COI projects, ensuring efficient collaboration and organization in COI mapping.


Does iRedistrict support starting from an existing plan

Yes, with iRedistrict, you can load an existing plan as a boundary, then ask the software to produce plans minimizing the cross of this boundary. It supports working with multiple boundaries. That means, you can minimize the cross of an existing plan and also administrative boundaries.

How can iRedistrict produce 0-deviation plan?

One solution is to set higher weight and very low threshold on population equality before running the optimization. After producing the plans, lock the districts that have 0-deviation and rerun the redistricting optimization. Repeat it several times, you will get 0-deviation plans. Another solution is to fine tune the plan boundaries. Pick a plan and mix it with the block layer to produce a polygon file that has blocks around the plan boundaries. Then run redistricting optimization on this file. Repeat the first solution if necessary.